Saturday, April 15, 2006

Alice Cooper: Send the Psychics to Find Bin Laden

I am in Philadelphia this weekend for a weekend with family, and was fortunate enough to catch my first listen of the nationally syndicated classic rock radio show Alice Cooper Nights. Excellent stuff, no question about it. Rock legend Alice Cooper gives a real life account of the life of a musician rocking through the 60s, 70s and 80s. He tells amazing stories, interviews fellow rockers, and even comments on the world today. If you get a chance, give a listen!

Well, I nearly drove off the road laughing when Cooper suggested tonight that all the psychics should be sent to the Middle East to find Bin Laden. Cooper posits that if they truly are psychics, finding him will be no problem, and even offered to kick up reward money for the psychic who finds him. If, as Cooper believes, they're all frauds, well, I guess you've got a bunch of psychics stuck in Afghanistan who can't come home until they find him, and one less hassle for us.

Not a bad plan, Mr. Cooper, not a bad plan at all. Of course, such suggestion will lose your title Mr. Nice Guy! Oh, I guess you already claimed you lost the roll. I'm sure he won't be crying over those would smear the makeup!

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Posted by Scottage at 4:21 AM / | |