Friday, June 01, 2007
Gotta Love It When A Plan Comes Together

Yep, no question about it, nothing better than seeing a plan come together, especially one that has taken a lot of time and a lot of effort. The harder you work at it, the more satisfaction there when the plan works out. And with regards to BigDawgRadio, there was plenty of work that went into it, so it’s awesome to see it finally panning out.
10 months ago, when I started working with BigDawgRadio, I had a vision of a team of people, all equals, working together to bring a wide variety of music and entertainment to web-based listeners. Yes, I thought that maybe somewhere down the road we would get sponsors or advertisers, and I even considered the possibility of going to satellite or some other media. But the real goal was the team and the high level of energy and entertainment.
Well, that’s finally happened. For the first time since BigDawgRadio started, we have live DJs every night. And frankly, all the DJs are great at their particular genres, and have great on-air personalities. We have a wide variety of genres, with different nights for different styles and audiences, and are interactive with our listeners, making it more than just the music that we provide to our listeners.
But more than that, we really are a team. The DJs I’m working with today are passionate, about the music, about the station, and about life. They seem to love going on the air and giving people a good time, and each one is there for the other, always willing to help if someone needs help with any aspect of a show, or even with life. Being a part of such a team is really amazing!
With the team in place, we can focus on perfecting the schedule to really cater to the listeners. Thursday nights will be Alternative night, with a full lineup of DJs playing some of the best in newer Alternative music. And now Sunday and Tuesday nights will include our first country shows, for those of you with the cowboy boots. Never know, you might even get back your truck and mama after a few nights with Val.
Plus, we’ll be trying out some new types of shows, like the Monday Love Line, where DJ Hippie Chick and I (DJ Nomad) will have back to back shows, with each of us playing music and responding to requests for advice from listeners. We’ll each respond to the same letters, so listeners will get both a male and female perspective on the issues which trouble them. There are even plans for a show about the paranormal in the works!
There are many plans in the works for building the station, and we would love your suggestions. But the best part is definitely the creation of a team of people that are more like a family to me than co-workers. It’s a blast working at the station today, I couldn’t love it more! So come on over to BigDawgRadio, and join in the fun!
Posted by Scottage at 12:29 AM /
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Ferocious Feline

Ok, not exactly….in fact not at all. This is the cutest kitty in the whole world, Pinky!
Pinky was given to me by a friend in the program when I was really struggling, early on. The cat was her son’s, and when her son had moved home, suddenly there were too many cats in her house, and this cat was destined for a new home. She was small, a bit skittish, and never ever responded to her name, which at the time was Metal (like the music).

First things first, this cat was no Metal. She has this little locket around her neck that says “Cool Cat”, and so I tried to think of the coolest female cat I know. And then it came to me…Pinky Tuscadero, Fonzie’s girlfriend from Happy Days. And just like that, a new name for the cat was found. Funnily enough, she responded to the name immediately.
Once she had her own living environment, Pinky really came out of her shell as well. With her own food supply, she started growing bigger quickly. And her personality blossomed. She is a totally an attention hog, and wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, she’s got to be in the middle of it. If I’m reading, she sits on the book. If I’m working on the computer, she’s on the keyboard (like now). And if I’m DJing, she loves purring into the mic.

When I lie down, Pinky either lies down next to me or sits on the windowsill right above my bed. When it’s time for my shower, she stands on her hind legs at the shower with me, sticking her paw in the water just like I do to test the temperature, though she waits outside the door while I’m actually in the shower; I think she’s a bit scared of the water, and I want my privacy at that point anyway.
It’s not always easy. Pinky will follow me everywhere, and often gets under my feet. And when I’m asleep, she has a tendency to lick my hands or push on my face with her paws. But I know it’s out of affection, and it’s all cool by me. You know, she’s my baby, and I could never really find it in me to be mad with her.
Anyway, that’s my Pinky Tuscadero! I think there may not be as cool a kitty out there as her, and certainly not as cute a cat for sure. Next time I’m on the air, listen for her, and I’m sure you’ll hear her talking into the mic. And don’t worry, there’s not a ferocious bone inside her. She’s just my cute little kitty, and I’m crazy about her!
Posted by Scottage at 2:33 PM /
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