Friday, August 11, 2006
Tonight The Nomad Goes Live (Radio) Again! Plus BlogExplosion and BlogMad Raffles!

In case you didn’t know, my second radio show on Big Dawg Radio is live tonight, in just under 12 hours, starting at 9pm est and running for 4 hours. I hope you will join me for it, and help me get some good music flowing.
Last week’s show was a blast! Listeners say the sounds quality was a huge step up from my previous host, we had lots of people making requests and dedications, and the show just seemed to rock. I must admit, the new format made it much easier to participate in the show, and I think fun was had by all.
Well, we’re definitely going to try to top it this week, and I have some great tunes lined up for the show, including some serious rockers, a bunch of funk, and some tracks you probably haven’t heard in a while. But we need to know what you would like to hear! So you can leave a request here, or during the show enter a request on the Big Dawg site.
Plus, by request, we are splitting the raffle into two 500 credit raffles, with a twist: you can now win either BlogExplosion or BlogMad credits. Post a comment, any comment, here and you are registered to win 500 credits on either of these web sites. You just have to tell me which type of credit you prefer.
Just like other weeks, I will be hanging out in BlogExplosion’s ShoutBox chat room, which winds up being one big party during the show. So you can come over there, hang out, and request tunes while you’re there. It’s a lot of fun!
So come hang out on a Friday night, with tunes, friends, and the Big Dawg. aWOOOOOOOOOF!
Posted by Scottage at 10:16 AM /
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Thursday 13 - 13 Things That Piss Me Off

OK, now this is a
Thursday 13 I can really get into! While it is true that I am working hard these days at becoming a more serene, introspective nomad, there is no question that there are still things in this world that piss me off. Let’s face it, I’m human! I try not to let things upset me as much as before, but it doesn’t mean these things don’t upset me. So maybe it’s best to vocalize (er, write) my list here, and not internalize it. So:
13. Electronic Phone Menus: I call up a company I’m spending way too much money on every month, looking for one key piece of information so I can move on with my day. I press 1 for English, 3 for customer service, 2 for cell phones, 5 for US cell phones, my social security number, my account number, say my name into the handset…and then an operator comes on and asks me to identify myself and what division I’m looking for. Why did I just waste 10 minutes with your stupid electronic phone menu?

12: Incessant complaining: Given the nature of this post, this may sound like the pot calling the kettle black. However, have you ever been in a really great mood, and then met up with someone who is complaining about every little thing in the world? Sometimes, I just want to remind them that a bit of a positive outlook could make them, I don’t know, slightly tolerable!
11: Wasting the hard-earned money I gave to taxes: While living in Boston, I gave thousands of dollars to taxes. A huge portion of that money went into the Big Dig. Within a few months of opening the new roads, the roof of the first tunnel collapsed, and the entire project had to be re-evaluated. Thanks for flushing my hard-earned money down the toilette!

10. Early Morning Bill Collectors: I have only one outstanding bill today, and it’s a hospital bill I’m contesting. They’re charging me $177 for an appointment where the doctor didn’t show up. But 2 times a week, the bill collector calls me at 7:30 am to try to get me to pay. What’s worse, the same bill collector calls in the mornings from the same hospital, asking for a woman who hasn’t lived here for years. I keep telling her she doesn’t live here, they keep calling back and waking me up. There aught to be a law!
9. Telemarketers: Along the same lines, telemarketers call me either early in the morning or in the evening when I’m trying to relax to try to sell me on one scheme or another. I feel for them, because I’ve had to work that gig before. But please, leave me the hell alone!
8: Country Music & Music with No Soul: OK, I’m starting to have to re-evaluate this one, since I was introduced to Big & Rich and sort of like them. But in general, I think both Country Music and modern-day Alternative music is really devoid of soul. It certainly doesn’t make me want to groove, it actually makes me want to put my head in la-machine. Watch my ears bleed, folks! For me, I’ll stick with classic rock, blues, R&B, funk, and stuff like that.
7. Slow Drivers: I’m late for a meeting, driving down a two lane road with signs posted all over for 45 mph. The road is clear, except for two drivers, side by side, going 25 mph. GET A CLUE! Oddly enough, it happens on a regular basis, though the road may change, the driving habits stay the same.

6. Bad Drivers: Maybe the only thing worse than the slow driver is the bad driver, weaving in and out of traffic without taking a second to see who’s in the lane he’s merging into. Around here, the car invariably has dents from the last 15 times the driver has been showing his inability to handle his car, and yet he goes cruising down the road as if he owns it, sometimes in the lane going the other direction, sometimes on the shoulder, often nearly hitting other cars. It’s almost enough to make me want to be a cop.
5. People who keep taking my BOTB over and over again after beating me: Yes, I loose tons of BOTBs, and that’s ok, maybe my post sucks, maybe people have a vendetta against me, maybe it’s BOTB-gate all over again. Whatever the case, I loose, no big deal. But then the person takes my battle again…and again….and again! At what point does the person get a clue?
4. Not Caring: This is certainly one of my “buttons”; a person is distraught, who knows what the reason is, but they really are hurting. They tell their story to a number of people, tears in eyes. They finish, looking for the comforting shoulder or perfect suggestion, and instead get a total bastard telling some joke, or trying to top their story. Take a moment and feel for the person, next time it may be you.

3. World Leaders who Care More for Power than For Their People: George W. Bush, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, probably many many more, they piss the hell out of me!
2. Philly Team Collapses: I love sports, and I really love my Philadelphia sports teams. So to see great team after great team collapse so close to success just kills me every time.
And the #1 thing that pisses me off:

1. Close Minded People: I immediately think of Republicans and religious zealots, but even people I agree with do it all the time. Maybe I do it to, though I work hard not to. I get so wrapped up in my own opinion, I fail to hear other, very valid opinions. We don’t have to agree with other opinions, but we should listen to them, and learn from them. Otherwise, what’s the point of dialogue?
Posted by Scottage at 3:14 PM /
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MMMMMMMM, Chocolate!

My third guest post is from
CyberCelt, a friend from BlogExplosion who is very cool. She has a variety of sites, and decided to do a guest post on one of my favorite topics…CHOCOLATE! It’s actually about a worthy cause, so I’m following the link, I hope you do to.
Also, I’m looking for more guest posters, and I’m beginning to guest post myself. If you would like to guest post here, that would be awesome; I would love your perspectives on just about any topic. If you want me to guest post, just ask, I’m easy! And when my first guest post is posted, I’ll let you know here. Without further ado, CyberCelt:
Chocolate Anyone? by CyberCelt
Do you love chocolate? To me, it is one of the essential food groups!
I think chocolate goes directly to nourish the soul. LOL
Would you like to send some encouragement and chocolate to a soldier on the front lines with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)? Heritage Affinity Services (a credit card provider) will send Elite chocolate treats and your message to a man or woman fighting for their life and the life of their country. All you have to do is fill out a short, and I mean short, form that includes your personal message of succor and peace.

I just sent my encouragement and free chocolate by clicking
here. After you fill out the form, you may view the wishes and blessings of others who already had chocolate sent. This is such an easy thing to do and will bring a smile, perhaps the last, to a war weary soldier.
Now, I just have to find a way to send Texas-sized cow patties to Hezbollah with my sentiments for free! Maybe
Stik can help...
Posted by Scottage at 11:03 AM /
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A Bit O' Help Please

I am looking to create a tattoo (my first) that speaks to unity and peace between the religions. A person I know created the Arabic for me, but I want an accurate translation of the Arabic word before it becomes a part of me.
So can anyone translate this for me? I would totally appreciate the help! As well, if anyone has any suggestions as how to make this tattoo better, I would appreciate that as well.
And think about the sentiment, and think how if it should be a part of your life! The leaders of each religion may not get along, but people need to remember that our forefathers are the same, and that our morality is the same.
I have no hatred in my heart for anyone, and hope that people will find love for each other as well. I hope you feel the same way!
Posted by Scottage at 12:08 AM /
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Gaining Sympathy: Hezbollah Lies to Gain International Support

In many ways, as Israel has fought a very real war for its survival, Lebanon has struck back with a propaganda war, using innocent Lebanese people as human shields and parading the victims for the world to show the evil nature of the Israeli military. The propaganda war came to a head with two incidents this past week: the firing of photographer Adnan Hajj by Reuters, and killing of many individuals in Qana last week.
Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese photographer for Reuters,
doctored photos of Lebanon to make the devastation brought on by the Israeli attacks seem worse. One photo was definitively doctored, with Hajj adding in and darkening plumes of smoke from Beirut, a second photo showing F-16 Israeli fighter plans was doctored to show them firing missiles, and 920 photos have been pulled from Reuters news archives. You can see the pictures definitively doctored above.

In Qana, initial reports showed over 50, maybe as many 60 people dead, but those estimates turned out to be
way off base, as 28 people were killed in the attack. Additionally, the building collapsed
over 7 hours after the attack, leaving both plenty of time for people to leave the building and serious questions as to the building’s structural integrity. Reports show an explosion just past 6 hours after the attack, leading to the belief that the collapse of the building was pre-arranged.

A piece by fellow blogger
EU Referendum shows how many of the photos from Qana were staged or perhaps even doctored, showing various pictures from various sources including the same rescuer at the scene. And Fox News (television) last night reported that, at the time of the attack, it appears that no one was inside the building, but that the people may have gone inside the building after the attack, as shown by new aerial photos.
Is sympathy being drawn for the Lebanese victims of this conflict? Absolutely! But as long as Hezbollah is willing to use Lebanese people as shields and lie about the actual events that are taking place in this war, the majority of the world’s ire, and yes, even the anger of other Middle Eastern countries, will fall on Hezbollah as opposed to Israel.
technorati tags: Hajj, Adnan Hajj, Qana, Photos, Reuters, Beirut, Lebanon, Lebanese, Israel
Posted by Scottage at 11:12 AM /
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Monday, August 07, 2006
Second Guest Blogger - Kuanyin on Wonder-Lust

I am proud to announce my second guest post, this one on a state of nomad-ness by a kindred spirit, Kuanyin! Kuanyin is located in Maui, Hawaii (ok, I’m jealous), has a few really cool blogs, including
Who’s Yo Mama,
Blog-Blond, and
The Art of Living and Dying.
I am looking for other guest bloggers, so let me take a moment to request that anyone who is interested in writing a post either comment here or drop me a line. Meanwhile, I loved this post, it got me aching to hit the road, and I suspect it will put you in the same frame of mine. So join me in welcoming Kuanyin before I run out the door on my next adventure! Folks, Kuanyin!
Wonder-lust by KuanyinThe most often repeated baby story about me by my Mother sounds a bit farfetched were it not for a truth I've discovered about myself through the years: I am a natural nomad. The story goes like this. My Mother said she felt safe leaving me alone in the enclosed back yard of our family home while she attended to other business. I wasn't walking yet—just crawling. I made an escape by digging a hole under the white picket fence, crawled down a hill to a dirt alley and was chugging along at a good clip on all fours when a neighbor spied me, rang my Mom who then collected me and brought me home. Remember when I used the word 'farfetched' in the first sentence? How was a baby strong enough to dig a hole under a fence I've always questioned! Where was I headed is the easy part of this story for I know where I was headed: I was off to see the world! I have a nomadic, insatiably curious, restless nature and have always yearned to see what is around the next corner and down the road. Thus it has been that I have lived in many different places and traveled the world.

Why do tribes or clans move around and travel? Mostly they migrate when disaster strikes or food and water supplies disappear or they're expelled by an invading force or some other catastrophe occurs. Individuals, on the other hand, have more complex reasons.
Astrological wisdom would suggest I tend to move around a lot because my Natal Moon in my astrology chart is in Sagittarius. Or it could be said I like to experiment… or I'm easily bored….or I'm running away from something or running to something... or it's my destiny to move around. Lucky for me that the people who adopted me as a baby loved to travel, and by the time I was in high school, I had already seen almost every state within the United States. My original birth parents were also travelers (so I've discovered), and therefore, my desire to travel could be part genetics and part environment. Whatever the reasons (and it could be a combination of all of the speculations), I have indeed moved around a lot more in my life, resided in more places and traveled more than most people. Travel entices me, and I have a VERY long list of places I have yet to visit and experience.
Ok…where have I been? Within the United States, I've traveled to all but two states…most countries in Eastern, Northern and Western Europe…England, Scotland, Ireland, parts (not all) of Africa, India, Tibet, Nepal, Japan, China, Singapore, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Korea, Egypt, Greece and many Greek Islands, a lot of South America, the South Seas, most of the countries in Central America and most of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico…many of these places I've visited more than once. I've had a lot of adventures, met some wondrous people, been assisted many times over by strangers (angels?) and also had my share of frightening, close-calls and near-death experiences.

And where do I want to go? Tuscany and Provence (again!)…. Ecuador (because dear friends moved there and built their dream home and they keep calling with an invitation)…. Australia (never been!)… Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Easter Island are some of the places I'd like to visit next.
I saw a funny movie this past year starring Queen Latifah. In the movie, she played a character who received a mis-diagnosis from her doctor. Thinking she didn't have long to live, she cashed in her savings and headed off to Europe to live large until her time to pass. I highly recommend this movie-- it has a very inspirational message about leaving comfort zones, beliefs, self-imposed limitations and stories behind and daring to live your dreams.
I resonate to nomadic cultures and structures like yurts and tipis which at one time were used by different indigenous groups as they moved about. In my travels I have had brief encounters with REAL gypsies which intrigued me and provoked me to research them. Who are these mysterious people? This past year I ordered a 2006 nonfiction book titled "Little Money Street…In Search Of Gypsies and Their Music In The South Of France" by Fernanda Eberstadt. On the back cover an author praises the book using the word 'despairing' in his blurb. Indeed this book conveys the despair of the French gypsies, and if anyone has ever had any fantasies about gypsies, all they need to do is read this book and discover the truth—most gypsies choose not to travel, even when offered the opportunity to achieve career success, fame and fortune. They prefer to stay within the confines of their culture and family. So much for the cliché of the vagabond, carefree gypsy!
A couple of resources for other nomads reading this would be this
blog. They claim to be the original travel blog, and their free service offers a lot of great features such as address book, spell-check, plot your travels visually on a map, automatically notify others when you have updated, easy upload of videos, photos and mp3's and more. I have signed on, and on my next trip, read about Aquamarine, my travel blog name. In the meantime, if you have any wanderlust (or as I like to spell it: wonder-lust) take some time to read some of the many incredible travel blogs! If you can't be traveling now, at least you can be an armchair adventurer. You will be blown away and perhaps inspired to make some of your own travel dreams a reality!
Also, in terms of articles, check out
this and
Posted by Scottage at 3:36 PM /
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
Haveil Havelim #81

Welcome to Haveil Havelim #81! Thanks to
Soccer Dad, for his amazing work in making this happen every week. Especially in these extremely trying times for Israel and the Jewish people, it is so important that we stay together as a community, and stand ready to support each other. Haveil Havelim is a great effort in that direction. So let’s begin with the most important issue facing the Jewish community today:
The Hezbollah/Israel ConflictIf you read nothing else from this entire Haveil Havelim, read
Daled Amos’ piece on the Israeli children killed by terrorism since 2000, and keep that in mind when people who don’t understand speak of Israel killing a disproportionate number of Lebanese people. This shows without question how this latest conflict is a struggle for survival!
Neo-neocon did a post on the founders of the movement to pull Israel out of Lebanon in 2000, and their views on the present conflict that you simply need to read! Irina of
The Ignoble Experiment prays for enlightenment on the conflict, and to determine how to speak to it when asked by non-Jews and how to take her own responsibility for the conflict; it’s an excellent piece that will have you thinking, guaranteed!
Batya at
Shiloh Musings questions the morality of our present fight with Hezbollah, and compares it to Palmach’s battles with the British during the War of Independence in Israel. And
DesertPeace also finds the fight with Hezbollah immoral, but for far different reasons.

Carl of
The Big Pharoah takes the opposite perspective in an extremely poignant post, examining whether Hezbollah is showing courage by facing off against Israel or cowardice in hiding behind Lebanese citizens. He created the map shown here which illustrates areas where they could fire from without endangering Lebanese people.
Chaim of
Life-Of-Rubin expresses his outrage as the UN fails to recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. In contrast,
Boker Tov, Bolder reports that IDF is actually calling individual citizens in South Lebanon and warning them of the Israeli attacks. And Carl at
Israel Matzav writes an important piece on Israel’s current actions and how they jeopardize the important relationship between Israel and it’s closest ally, the US.
And Rick Richman of
Jewish Current Issues documents travels throughout Northern Israel in an effort to help new citizens in the country trying to cope with the horrors of this war – it’s long, but includes stirring pictures and a great deal you really must check out!
David Bogner of
Treppenwitz saw the lack of news in the 24-hour news cycle on Sunday as a precursor to the onset of Israel’s ground war – a correct assessment! The
Hashmonean maps out Israel’s escalating offensive against Hezbollah as part of his ongoing coverage of the conflict. While Michael Totten of
Istapundit reports that even the reporters in the area have been threatened by Hezbollah.
Asher at
Kesher Talk writes a strong piece, using various different articles to analyze whether Israel is actually winning or losing the war against Hezbollah. The
Psycho Toddler recognizes that we are losing the media war in our present conflict, and tries to help turn the tide. And YMedad of
My Right Word notes that Reporters Without Borders is taking an unbalanced approach to their depiction of the injuries to reporters in the conflict.
Gavriel at
AbbaGav sees that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has the same solution as always for the end of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel: eliminate Israel. And
Jewlicious does a roundup of posts on the most recent antics from Iran.
AllsonKS at
An Unsealed Room writes from Tel Aviv as bombs fall in nearby Hadera, and she prepares for the possibility of strikes. And Isramom of
Me-Ander chooses to stay out of the news cycle by refusing to be interviewed about having a religious son who’s a soldier.
Ben Yehudah uses a text from Lamentations to evoke thoughts of the evacuated Israeli cities of the north. And Shanah of
ConservaJew refers to Psalms to show that, while G-d will set us on a path that can lead us to a better tomorrow, we need to find our own power, and take a lead role in achieving our better tomorrow, whether in the war or in our every day life; the post is truly awe-inspiring!
QanaRichard of
EU Referendum does an important piece on the sensationalism used by photojournalists in the present conflict.
This Ongoing War wrote an incredibly moving piece comparing the supposed hurt of some people who use the death of children as propaganda with the real pain of people who have actually lost children, such as the parents of the victims of suicide attacks; read it, it is a great piece!
The creator of Haveil Havelim,
Soccer Dad, puts the Qana incident into perspective by comparing it with the end of the Grapes of Wrath campaign of 10 years ago. While David Bernstein, of
The Volokh Conspiracy, reports on the disparity between the initial reports on Qana and what truly occurred. And Caitlyn of
Zionism and Aliyah illustrates the double standard being shown towards Israel over the Qana incident, after a week of posts on the Qana attack.

SnoopyTheGoon of
Simply Jews, in an excellent post, puts the incident in the simplest terms: the victims at Qana were sacrificed by Hezbollah to unite the Arab street and others! And Olah Chadasha at
Greetings from French Hill asks why were the people in the building in the first place, based on the reality of why the building was bombed.
Ra’anana Ramblings indicates that there is more to the story then is hitting the news wires. And
Tel Chai Nation lists evidence that shows the “massacre” was exaggerated.
Life in IsraelDavid Bernstein, of the
Volokh Conspiracy, examines the accused “racism” of Israel’s right of return in a brilliant piece comparing Israel’s immigration laws to that of other nations such as Japan. And Carl of
Israel Matzav speaks out against the destruction of homes considered illegal outposts by the Olmert administration.
Rahel of
Elms In The Yard reports on security and the detonation of suspicious objects in her neighborhood. Jameel of
The Muqata tells a heroic story of volunteering for Magen David in Northern Israel that deserves all of our attention. Jameel
also speaks out against Olmert’s use of the war with Hezbollah to enable his disengagement plan.
The Orthodox Anarchist speaks to the conflict between the Orthodox community and the Gay community in Israel as the country prepares for World Pride events, while Dag of
No Feminists on a Sinking Ship indicates the Frum community should be ashamed for intimidating participants in the gay pride parade.
Life Outside IsraelMeryl Yourish republishes a post from 2005 about anti-Seimitism throughout the world that moved me incredibly and had me up all night; read it, and think about the true implications of all she says!
Chiam at
Life-Of-Rubin is appalled to find he is in agreement with Bill Maher, as he notes that Gibson’s anti-Semitism is indicative of growing sentiments around the world, while
Elie’s Expositions says that we shouldn’t be surprised at all to find that Mad Mel is an anti-Semite after having seen “The Passion of the Christ”.
Jay Sounds Off examines whether Joe Lieberman took the Jewish vote for granted.
Jay also posts on the Huffington Post picture with Lieberman in a black face. Greg Gershman at
Presence: The Place To Be reports that Rehoboth Beach, once off limits to Jewish, now has a shul.
David Bogner of
Treppenwitz examines the nature of the fatal shooting at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle by asking the question: Who is a terrorist? Rahel of
Elms In The Yard has no problem declaring the perpetrators of the attack terrorists, while Irina at
The Ignoble Experiment produced an excellent post that examines the legal definition of terrorism and tries to fit this attack into that definition. And Olah Chadasha of
Greetings From French Hill uses the Seattle shooting to raise generalities about the state of anti-semitism in the media and in the world today.

Mottei of
Letters of Thought takes some amazing photos of Cufut Qale, a Jewish cave city in Russia.
A Simple Jew reports on the heart-breaking mass graves uncovered in the Ukraine from the Holocaust. And
Shlemazl provides a very thorough history of Judaism in the Middle East.
Much thanks to Irina of
The Ignoble Experiment, who provides a Russian post by
Kyshara on the disturbing trend of associating the current Israeli administration with the country itself.
ReligionBatya of
Shiloh Musings comments on hearing her referred to by her Rabbi as he spoke on Kiruv, the act of helping non-observant Jews move closer to Orthodoxy.
Tobie of
Voices In My Head writes her opinions about the performance of mitzvot as rituals or based on emotion. While
Reb Chaim HaQoton addresses the age-old question of who is a Jew.
Tisha B’AvThe Velveteen Rabbi does a very nice roundup of Tisha B’Av posts, and examines the practice of not studying Torah on this fast day. While Bri of
Pursuing Tzedek likens the destruction of Tisha B’Av to the destruction of New Orleans and does a roundup of articles describing the aftermath of Katrina. And Rafi G of
Life in Israel relates a specific Kina to the kidnapped soldiers of our current conflict.
Greg at
Presence: The Place To Be traces the origin of the fast day of Tisha B’Av to Israeli departure from faith in God by utilizing spies in a truly great post. Rahel or
Elms In The Yard looks at the more literal meaning of the holiday, and shows the fallen stones at the base of the Wall that still exist today (pictured here) as a constant reminder of this sadness in our history.
On a more practical note, Rooftopper Rav of
JewSchool looks at the dangers of fasting during a heatwave. And the
Velveteen Rabbi searches deep to find what Tisha B’Av means to him so he can relate it to his congregation. And at
SerandEz, a stirring peace by R’Yakov Horowitz is reprinted, speaking of the unique challenges we see on this Tisha B’Av; you really should give this a look!
HumorShanah of
ConservaJew points out that Paula Zahn is asking the most important question of the day: are we facing the apocalypse today? Dag of
No Feminists on a Sinking Ship asks an equally pressing question: should the Brady Bunch have dumped Jan instead of Tiger? And Gavriel of
AbbaGav has an exclusive, indicating that Hezbollah has a new favorite actor, Mel Gibson!
MiscellaneousAishel on
Verbiage reports on the state of Jewish posts on Wikipedia. And speaking of verbiage,
A Simple Jew ponders why her son won’t correctly pronounce her daughter’s name. And what’s more,
Dot CO Dot IL had a Shabbat meal with a star as he ate with the voice from Aladdin.
The Scotch Blog reports on the kashrut of whiskey and its role in orthodox Judaism. Judith of
Kesher Talk commemorates the death of a writer Steven Vincent.
Author’s NotesAs always, it was a great experience to produce this week’s Haveil Havelim, because of the excellent quality of writing throughout the Jewish blogosphere. I actually read every article I posted here, and commented on nearly half of them. I intend to go back and comment on the other half.
Try to do so yourself. The Jewish blogosphere is a great thing, and you can support it not only by writing posts yourself, but also by encouraging other writers with comments and frank debate. Think of how you appreciate good comments, and provide them to fellow writers.
Additionally, my site, Perspectives of a Nomad (I don’t need a link since you’re all already here) is looking for guest posts, so if you have something you would like to write about, consider writing a guest post here.
Thank you tremendously for allowing me to write up Haveil Havelim…I would produce it every week if it were possible, as it really is an opportunity to support our community. And show much love to our benefactor,
Soccer Dad, who makes this great project a reality.
I believe Soccer Dad is also producing next week’s Haveil Havelim, so if you would like to submit one or two of your best Israel or Judaism related posts send him an e-mail at
dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.
In addition to e-mail you may submit entries to Haveil Havalim using either
Conservative Cat's handy dandy submission form or the
submission form over at BlogCarnival. Or feel free to e-mail him at
dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.
My thoughts and prayers go out to our troops in and around Lebanon, and to all those people living in Northern Israel. Thanks for reading, and may peace find us tonight and all nights. Erev Tov!
Posted by Scottage at 5:03 PM /
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