Friday, January 27, 2006

Iran: Holocaust Cover for Crimes against Palestinians

Ahmadinejad sent a note to the UN General Assembly today. It said that Iran condemns genocide against “any race or religious group as a crime against humanity.” Good start! But you know, Mahmoud, maybe you should have quite while you were ahead.

Ahmadinejad followed this up with saying that genocide had been manipulated as a political weapon by the “Zionist regime” to hide "its crimes being perpetrated today against Palestinians in the occupied territories, including massacre, demolition of houses, properties and farmlands, as well as acts of state terrorism."

You know, Ahmadinejad, it’s obvious that someone has shown you a history book in the past couple weeks and shown you the Holocaust did occur. So admit your wrong instead of trying to twist up your message a million different ways. You don’t like Israel? We’ve gotten that idea already. You can say you were wrong about the Holocaust and still maintain your ignorant racist views.

Posted by Scottage at 2:06 PM / | |