Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Soccer Parents Inadvertently Take Kids to Sex Party
A bunch of soccer parents brought their kids to Orlando for Disney’s Soccer Showcase over the New Years holiday, unaware that the hotel they were staying at (the Crowne Plaza) was also hosting a swinger’s party on New Years Eve. The party came complete with all the amenities, including both nudity and fornication in the main ballroom.
So it is no big surprise that the children were all pressed up against the glass, watching the festivities. And of course what followed were a number of poignant questions for the parents. Paul Camporini said he had to "delicately explain to my Catholic school children that swingers change partners during the evening." He went on to say, “My biggest gripe is that the hotel had two distinctly different groups under the same roof. A soccer team and middle-aged swingers should not have been booked together."
OK, it’s true; I have no idea of the horrors the parents had to face when explaining to their kids what they had just seen. And certainly after Janet Jackson the whole question of what are kids are and should be “exposed” to by the outside world is more of a question than it ever has been. But hotels are in business to make money, and not to judge how well groups will work out together. Next time, either find a way to keep your kids from the ballroom or think up some good answers to sticking questions.
Posted by Scottage at 4:33 PM /
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