Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Few Quick Referrals

OK, don’t worry, I will dedicate the majority of my writing time to serious issues, like Iran, Iraq, and the Thursday Threesome (ok, maybe that’s no so serious, but we all need a bit of humor in our lives, right?). But first I wanted to take a minute to point out a few bloggers who have amazing blogs and/or have helped me in developing my blog. Yes, these blogs are in my blogroll, but with a number of other blogs. And these blogs deserve some special attention.

Let’s start with two sites that are both amazing sites and have owners have been tremendously helpful in increasing the quality of and readership of my site. First is AbbaGav, an Israeli blogger who displays an excellent balance of political satire and fresh perspectives into the current political situation. If you are trying to increase traffic to your site, AbbaGav celebrated his one year anniversary of blogging with an excellent post on how he’s become so popular. Check it out.

Soccer Dad has also been tremendously helpful as I’ve tried to improve my site. Soccer Dad reports predominantly on issues around the Middle East, as well as posts on how to increase site traffic. While I may not always see eye to eye with Soccer Dad, he continually challenges my presumptions, and has helped me crystallize my views, sometimes even alter them to allow for an alternative perspective.

Finally, Desert Peace has become a true friend in the blogosphere, and he is an amazing writer. Perhaps a bit farther left than me, Desert Peace has been instrumental in pushing me to prove my arguments. His posts represent in-depth looks at many issues I would never even think about, but which are crucial to maintaining peace throughout the world. If you want some really interesting reading, check out his post on the newly erected Museum to Tolerance; I guarantee it will get you thinking!

So anyway, thanks to all the people who have made such a difference in my blogging experience, and especially to these bloggers. If you have any suggestions to make my site better, please let me know, as I’m dedicated to making my blog a good source for an alternative perspective.

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Posted by Scottage at 12:29 PM / | |