Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Friendships Gone By: Regrets or the Chance to Rekindle Them

One of the great benefits of being a nomad is the number of truly amazing people you meet along the way. I’ve lived in 26 cities since graduating college, and each city has been marked not so much by the geography but by the inhabitants, the distinct cultures, and the remarkable personalities I came to know.

On the other hand, moving around as much as I have has prevented me from making the lasting, long-term friendships with these people that I would have hoped for. What’s more, my own personality flaws prevented me from opening up and embracing some of these remarkable people, even when I wanted to. As I moved from place to place, these people drifted in and out of my life, seemingly never to be seen again.

Suddenly, this is beginning to change. With my new MySpace profile, I’ve started to reconnect with some of these people from my past. It’s a slow process but a great process, as each new person’s profile I see connects me with another name and face from my past. It’s an amazing trip down memory lane, as I rediscover some of the people who made me who I am today.

Further, as I work on myself, working hard to eliminate the issues that have plagued me all these years, I find myself more apt to become the type of person that could be a good friend, and really get to know these people. But has the opportunity passed me by? Could I ever truly reconnect with these people, and establish friendships with them?

In many cases, the challenge will be greater; somehow, these individuals will have to see past the version of me from days gone by, a person who was not always the nicest or kindest person, the person who took the easy way before taking the right way, and a person who has worshipped the almighty dollar above all else. To these people I will owe an amends for my past deeds, and the promise of living a better life from here out.

My priorities have changed, and today friendships are valued above all else. Getting to know the friends from my past would be a blessing beyond compare, and while it would be easier to leave the past behind me, the easier chance is rarely the most rewarding. I hope to be given the chance, and believe the endeavor to be worth the effort. And in the end, the reward just may be some truly special friendships.

What better reward could I ask for?

Posted by Scottage at 1:51 AM / | |