Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Iran Calls for Nuclear Talks

While the Big 6 (US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China) determine whether to pass the Iran situation to the UN Security Council, and while they debate sanctions, Iran is requesting more talks. An Iranian source in Vienna said Iran was ready to "remove existing ambiguities regarding its peaceful nuclear program through talks and negotiations."

They Big 6 have not agreed to those talks so far, although China is in favor of them.

Fortunately, at least 4 of the nations recognize this for what it is: a stalling tactic by Iran, allowing them to continue their nuclear research while waiting for and taking part in talks. Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh, Iranian rep to the IAEA, said the recent resumption of nuclear fuel research was “irreversible,” which really speaks to the futility of any talks with Iran.

Don’t take the bait here. If Tehran has gained bomb-grade fuel, development of weapons is only a short step away. We must deal with this situation immediately, before it is too late.

Posted by Scottage at 11:21 PM / | |