Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tragedy Strikes

Well folks, it’s been a horrible day! In a nutshell, all my content has been deleted, including my blogroll, my photos, and so much of my work. It’s heartbreaking to see it all disappear…but tomorrow will be a better day, or so I hope! For those of you that want the story, I’ve placed it down below, but for the rest of you, here’s the aftermath:
It starts with apologies: First, I must apologize to those people who won last night’s raffle. Right now I don’t know who you are, since I have no comments or posts, so I can’t give you your credits. If you post here, I will make sure to send you credits right away, and I’ll put your name up so people see it at my earliest chance. Got to admit there’s a bunch going on now, so that may take a bit.
Also, apologies to anyone in my blogroll. It’s completely gone. So again, if you post up here, I will try to respond to you add you as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, I’m going through everything on my computer, as well as other places I’ve submitted posts, to rebuild as much of my blog as possible. If anyone has any posts copied, or maybe in their temporary internet files, I would sure be appreciative if you would let me know. Any help is truly appreciated! And special help to Pablo, who is helping me restore the site!
Finally, this will not prevent me from running Haveil Havelim this weekend, so stay tuned for that. It may, however, prevent me from finishing the superpower series anytime soon. I will get back to it, though, so don’t go away. And I hope you don’t leave me in general, because I am more than grateful for having such a wonderful community here at Perspectives. I hope to have fresh, interesting comment for you to read very soon, and really appreciate your patience.
Posted by Scottage at 1:44 PM /
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