Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Iran Calls for Holocaust Cartoons to Rival Mohammed Cartoons

Ahmadinejad and Iran spoke again yesterday, and oh, how I had missed hearing his blatantly anti-Semitic rhetoric. This time, he has created a contest for people around the world to submit cartoons about the Holocaust.

Excuse me, Ahmadinejad, but in case you didn’t notice, Israel and the Jewish people had nothing to do with the 12 Danish cartoons. None of them were drawn by Jews, none of the editors at the paper who first published the cartoons were Jewish, and Israel has steadfastly refused to reproduce the cartoons. So why spew your venom at the Jewish people? Perhaps because he doesn’t know any better.

If this contest goes forward, I will view the cartoons and comment on them, just as I have with the Mohammed cartoons. The cartoons have the right to be drawn, and have the right to be published. I will give these cartoons the same attention I gave to the Danish cartoons, and hope not to show any bias. Perhaps you can try the same, Ahmadinejad, and not attack the Jewish people every time something occurs in the world you don’t like. It’s not all our fault.

Posted by Scottage at 10:54 AM / | |