Sunday, March 05, 2006

Jessica Alba

OK, I prefer doing serious pieces, so this is out of the ordinary for me. But I had never really looked at Jessica Alba before posting the piece yesterday about her and Playboy's underhanded move, and now that I've seen her, WOWOWOWOW!!! She is very sexy. Totally hot. And it wold not be fair to such a sexy lady not to show her off a bit more (with normal photos, not naked ones, don't worry...not that type of site).

For those of you looking for the serious stuff, don't worry, I have 3 posts I'm in the middle of, and after grabbing a bite, I'm going to finish them and post. But in the mean time, here are more pictures of a beautiful, sexy, incredibly hot woman, showing off in a cute bikini: Jessica Alba!

A lot nicer than looking at Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, huh?

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Posted by Scottage at 1:50 PM / | |