Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First Rentor: Rob in China

Perspectives of a Nomad has it's first rentor: Rob in China. Rob is travelling through China, as has a site which I've been watching for the past few weeks. The articles are well done, but the pictures are hillarious. My favorite is the devil dog, but the farmer sutra and the kitty held hostage had me rolling on the floor as well. Visit Rob, and support the Rent My Blog program.

Never heard of Rent My Blog? It's a program through BlogExplosion where you have a thumbnail of another person's blog on your blog. It's higher profile than a simple link, and if your viewers have common interests, in can lead to a fair amount of traffic.

And if you haven't tried BlogExplosion yet, you should give it a try, it's fun and definitely leads to increased traffic. I hope you enjoy Rob's blog!

Posted by Scottage at 2:01 PM / | |