Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekly Housekeeping; A New Renter, A New Raffle, and The Best Readers in the World

Hi folks, time for another housekeeping post, and this one I’m very psyched about.  I have all sorts of good things to report on a beautiful Sunday evening, and it all begins with my new renter, AllNightOrg!

I love ANO’s blog.  She is an amazing combination of socially conscious, roll-on-the-floor hilarious, and totally sexy!  I’m not sure if I prefer her posts on the plight of the puppies, her exploits in the night (or 4am as the case may be), or her pictures from Half-Naked Thursdays, but any way you slice it her blog is a daily read.

ANO, as we affectionately call her, has also started a second site. This site is on the slightly-morbid topic of serial killers, and includes everything from descriptions of the exploits of some killers to warning signs so you can recognized the serial killer around the corner. I think ANO kills us with love, but if so, what a way to die!

Feel like earning some credits? On ANO’s main site, she has a post called “I Can’t Make This Stuff Up”, where she reveals the prize she takes from her victims. Tell me the article of clothing that ANO kept from her late-night rendezvous, and I’ll give you 50 credits.

Another piece of housekeeping is that, as of this weekend, I hit 50,000 visitors to Perspectives of a Nomad.  I gotta say, I love you all, even those whose comments show you don’t love me so much.  It’s no problem; I appreciate everyone’s opinions, and glad you all stopped by. For my part, I will do my best to provide you with quality content from here on out.

Another big announcement: tomorrow night, at 10pm est, is the first episode of Survivor BE Island!  In BlogExplosion’s Shoutbox chat room we will meet and compete.  I believe I am like many of the contestants in being very curious as to what the game will entail, but I’m psyched for it.  So come be a spectator, it should be fun!  Plus, if you want to see the list of contestants, check out this short video on the whole crew.

Finally, during my regular Saturday radio show, I raffled off 1000 credits, the second time I did this, and we had a winner, Bryelee of the Paranormal Experience! Check out her site, it’s a lot of fun.  And comments here will be the first contestants in next week’s 1000 credit raffle.  Who knows, maybe you’ll win 1000 credits on Live BE Radio, with your friendly neighborhood Nomad as a host.

Well, that’s all the news from this end.  I wish everyone a good Monday, and a great start to the week!

Posted by Scottage at 11:40 PM / | |